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请用介词 of with without about for on in at 造句子 根据介词+doing形式造句
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人气:248 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 23:26:34
I am thinking "of" going to England in Spring time. 我想著春天时去英国.
There is something to do "with" eating too much. 这与吃得太多有关.
He won "without" even lifting his fingers. 他不战而胜.
I am thinking "about" going to college when I am old enough. 我打算长大後进大学.
He was killed "for" stealing a potato. 他为了偷一只马玲薯而被杀死.
I insist "on" telling him off. 我主张大骂他 一顿.
He is "good" in playing basketball. 他精於玩蓝球.
I am not good "at" playing soccer.我并不太会踢足球.
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