选择:Is the bike____or____?--------Sorry,I don't know.A:my,your B:his,her C:his,hers D:him,her
The boy____black eyes is Kangkang.A:is B:at C:with D:for
____is your friend?----That one.A:What B:How C:Where D:which
They have____,but they're good friends.A:different look B:different looks C:the same looks D:same looks
What color is her hair?____gray.A:It B:Its C:It's D:Its'
Is he tall or short?----_________.A:Yes,he is tall B:No,he is short C:He is tall D:He isn't short.
These____are doctor.A:man B:mans C:men
____cats or tigers?A:Is this B:are these C:Is that D:are the
人气:428 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 07:06:58
C C D B C C C B确定吗?确定,这些都是有语法规则的
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