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It was a hot sunny day,a (乌鸦)felt very thirsty 排序 50分
A.But the mouth of the bottle was too narrow and the crow couldn't drink the water
B.He flew out and looked for some water to drink
C.At last,it was high enough to reach
D.Suddenly,he found a bottle lying on the ground
E.The crow could have a good drink from the bottle.How clever the crow was!
F.So the surface of the water became higher and higher
G.He flew over to the bottle.There was a little water in it
H.He thought hard.He found there were a lot of little stones around the bottle.
I.The crow picked up the stones one by one and put them into the bottle
J.Then he had a good idea.
人气:368 ℃ 时间:2020-05-22 13:03:22
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