__from the moon,the earth with water___70%of its surface.
人气:309 ℃ 时间:2019-10-08 09:13:34
see这个动词的主语是the earth,地球是被看的,所以用被动.后面的covering是 占 的意思,是with的伴随动词.
- Seen from the moon,our earth ,with water c_______ eventy of its surface ,appears as a blue ball.
- 请问为什么用covering :seen from the moon,our earth ,with water covering
- _____form the moon,the earth with water covering 70% of it's surface appears as a "blueball"
- ____from space,our earth,with water covering 70% of its surface,appears as a "blue plane".
- Seen form the moon,the earth with water covering 70% of it's surface appears as a "blueball".
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