> 英语 >
最近把老友记拿出来重温,看到第二季[The One Where Eddie Moves In]中一段----
[Scene:Monica and Rachel's apartment.Monica is outside the bathroom yelling at Ross who's in the bathroom.]
MONICA:Damn it Ross,get your butt out of the bathroom.
ROSS:Calm down,I'm blow drying.
[Rachel enters with laundry and starts folding]
MONICA:Blow drying what,you have no hair.
RACHEL:What's goin' on?
MONICA:Your boyfriend has been in there for over an hour.I can't believe it,it's like I'm living with him again.He's here when I go to sleep,he's here when I wake up,he's here when I want to use the shower,ughh.It's like I'm sixteen all over again .
RACHEL:Well,you're not sixteen,you're both adults now.
RACHEL:Or ya know,he's rubber and you're glue.
人气:288 ℃ 时间:2020-05-25 01:29:28
A riposte used when someone calls you a name. Indicates that whatever names or words someone uses in an attempt to offend or insult you, those words will bounce off you, and stick to the name-caller, indicating that he or she is actually indicative of the connotation he or she originally wanted to impart upon you. Also, what I say to Peter to make him cry.
I'm rubber you're glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you.
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