故事讲述的是一对可怜的兄妹遭到了继母的抛弃,流落荒林,最 糖果屋(5张)后来到了一座糖果屋,饥饿难忍的兄妹俩迫不及待的吃了起来.但是糖果屋的主人是一个吃人的女巫,她把兄妹俩抓了起来,想要把哥哥养得胖胖的,然后吃...差不多吧!你看过吗?我们班的英语老师让我们每组都查一个故事,要是没查要抄10遍,惨啊!噢,对了,你会用英语写糖果屋吗?最好少些。"Candy" from "Green fairy tale", the author is Green brother german. About Hans and greetel siblings was stepmother threw in the forest, they got lost and came to the Witch of candy, was captured and came close to being eaten, but by virtue of wit and courage, two people finally from the clutches of the story.可我有好多不认识的单词。没怎么,那你这篇用英语写的糖果屋怎么有许多生词,你是查的吗?我怕我会上瘾