> 英语 >
When i finish the story,Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor,_____,deep in thought.
A with his head bending B in his head bent C his head bending D his head bent
人气:100 ℃ 时间:2020-04-07 12:41:04
句意,我讲完故事,Lenin 从椅子上跳了起来,开始在屋子里走来走去,低着头,陷入沉思.空格处是个独立主格,基本结构是:两个句子在一起,主语不一致,用逗号连接,而且不加and.那么 his head 是逻辑主语,bent 是逻辑谓语,头...his head 为什么是逻辑主语。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。his head怎么陷入沉思啊?
with his head bent 就对了吗
  1. 这是一个独立主格。不看空格处,我们看到的这个句子的主语是Lenin。所以这个句子应该是

    Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor,deep in thought, when i finish the story.

    deep in thought 就是个插入成分,我们去掉不看。

  2. 这时候出现个东西叫 his head (is) bent 这是个完整的句子,主语是his head 谓语部分是is bent

  3. 英语专业的同学一定知道,两个完整的句子不能直接用逗号连接,要么用分号,要么加and

  4. 所以 空格是:两个句子在一起,主语不一致,用逗号连接,而且不加and.我们就把他处理成独立主格

  5. 在这个独立主格的句子里,逻辑主语是 his head 谓语是 bend,他们之间的关系是被动的,所以用is bent,因为是独立主格,不能有谓语,不能是 his head is bent,所以我们去掉is

  6. 如果处理成with his head bent完全可以,那就是with的伴随结构,当然可以,而且头还是被低下来的,所以也是被动。

  7. 不是his head 陷入沉思,而是是 Lenin,his head是低下来 

    这句话就是 我说完了,lenin沉思了,他的头低下来。
    When I finished, Lenin jumped xxxxxx, his head bent.

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