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人教版九年级第六单元SELF CHECK2的作文跪求!
今晚要 哥哥姐姐们
人气:178 ℃ 时间:2020-05-01 11:39:23
We asked Xu Zheng about how to learn English well.He likes taking notes in class and he often watches movies and listens to pop songs after school.But,it wasn't easy for him to understand native speakers when they talked.Becuase they spoke too quickly.Then he made up conversations and spoke to friends in English to improve his pronunciation.Finally,he made great progress."Most people speak English as a second language,but English is used around the world for computers and is often used in cience.English can help us understand many new books and movies,so we have to learn it well."He said.
在我们的学校,有时我们会有特别的一天去帮助别人.去年,我们去了一个了老人的家里,为他们.唱歌并且表演一段话剧.老人们很开心.我们应该被允许有更多的时间去做这种事情.比方说,我们可以去小学教小学生学习,我长大后想成为一个老师,所以我认为这对我会是宝贵的经验.其他的学生也愿意干其他的工作.比如我的朋友Tian Ge 想为报社写文章.她希望能在报社当一星期的志愿者.在星期五的下午,许多同学一周以来上课很长时间后会很困.但是有些学生却可以被允许成为志愿者去帮助他人,在星期五的下午
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