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随着社会的发展,人们日益重视精神生活,“感恩”这个词常常被人们提起.德国诗人劳尔德林曾说过:“充满劳绩,人总是要诗意地栖居在大地上.”从我们诞生在这个世界上时,我们便对这个赋予我们生命的世界充满了感恩之心.伴随着我们逐渐成长,我们感恩父母,因为他们辛勤抚育我们;在每天早晨朗朗的读书声中,我们感恩老师传授给我们的知识;患难见真情(A friend in need is a friend indeed),我们感恩朋友.感恩之心可以破除人与人之间的隔阂,可以融化人们心中的寒冰,可以让整个社会沐浴在温暖的氛围里.2012,我们怀着感恩之心,即将迈入新的一年.常怀感恩之心,生活会更美好.今天,你感恩了吗?
人气:481 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 04:53:26
With the development of the society, people are becoming increasingly intersted in spiritual life and "being thankful" are frequently reffered to. The Germany poet Raul Delin have said:" full of achievements, man should live a poitic life on the earth." We are flooded with thankfullness the moment we are born, to the world which gives us life. We are thankful to our parents, when we gradually grow up, for their raising us up with hardwork. we are thankful to our teachers, when we read in the morning, for their teaching us knowledge. we are thankful to our friends, for a friend in need is a friend indeed. Being thankful can bridge the gap between people. Being thankful can melt the hearts of people of ice as well. Moreover, being thankful can put the whole society in a warm atmosphere. 2012, with a thankful heart, we are at the corner of a new year. Always being thankful, the world will become better and better. Today, have you been thankful?
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