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题目 50. Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Many, maintaining this viewpoint that people should devote themselves into what they are already expert in claim that doing what they already do well could ensure they complete the task smoothly. Although I concede their opinion, from my perspective, constantly challenging new things and bravely endeavoring to explore new spheres is what I appreciate much better.
The primary reason to support my opinion is that if a person is always confined to the accomplishment that he has reached will absolutely lead to a lack of personal intellectual growth and career development. For example, provided that Tom is an engineer in an IT company, however, he is a conservative man who always copes with what he has carried out 10 years ago but never dares to innovate his electronic
products. I could guarantee that he will never bring a great leap to his company and even will be probably dismissed someday. Because modern industry like IT calls for creativity, imagination, and more importantly a curious heart to chase for new challenges. Whoever wants to gain the upper hand in the fierce competition ought to discard his invariant mind of doing the ready-made.
To back up my point, it could be relevant to include another cause that keeping challenging and taking risks is an active attitude towards life. It has a direct bearing on weather a man could lead an updating life full of vigor. Few would dispute that a person willing to adventure and challenge will own far more passion than the one reluctant to change what they are doing. More passion means a better psychology, and moreover means they won't indulge themselves in their accomplishments reached long before. Consequently, they will be more likely to make progress and create a better future.
From all the evidence mentioned above comes this natural summary that consistently trying to renew our tasks and audaciously risking them seems to be a much more appealing option.
Word Count: 321
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