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要求:(用英语简介作家笛福的著名小说鲁滨逊漂流记).书名:ROBINSON CRUSOE 作者:Daniel Defoe主要内容主要内容鲁滨逊在航海时遭遇风暴独自流落到一座荒岛他同各种自然灾害和疾病做斗争终于获救回国.历史地位:鲁滨逊漂流记>首次于1719年出版被誉为英国文学史上最重要的英语长篇小说之一.笛福也被认为最伟大的作家之一(以上英语作文要求摘自某练习册)
人气:161 ℃ 时间:2020-06-22 18:07:22
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) has been well known as the writer of Robinson Crusoe among readers of different generations all over the world. But this novel has often been taken as an adventure story by common readers, while critics usually emphasize its portrayal of the capitalist ambition during the beginning stage of the development of capitalism. Both groups of readers tend to overlook its religious, spiritual and moral aspects, which take up a large proportion of the novel. This thesis seeks to explore the conflicts and also the possibility of reconciliation between two important sides of human existence as expressed in Robinson Crusoe: man as an economic being and man as a spiritual being, and concludes that, only under proper spiritual guidance can man achieve due material civilization with economic prosperity, while retaining a wholesome individuality. Therefore, through his adventures Robinson is also undergoing a pilgrim’s spiritual progress.
丹尼尔笛福(1660 - 1731)已经众所周知的作家的《鲁宾逊漂流记》的读者不同代之间的世界各地.但是这本小说常被视为一个探险故事,常见的读者,而批评者通常强调其对资本主义的野心在开始阶段的资本主义发展.两组的读者往往忽略了它的宗教,精神和道德方面,占很大比例的小说.本论文旨在探索冲突,也可能两个重要的双方和解的人类表达在《鲁宾逊漂流记》:人作为经济存在和人作为一个灵性存在,并得出结论,只有在适当的精神指导人能实现由于物质文明与经济繁荣,同时保持一个健康的个性.因此,通过他的冒险罗宾逊也正在经历一个朝圣者的精神进步.
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