> 英语 >
一.把句子译成汉语 You can get nowhere without an objective in life.
二.写作:1 书名,作者
2 内容描述用到的关键词(动词,形容词,副词等 5个词)
3 收获或者感受 (10个词左右)
4 把上面几个要素适当衔接写成一篇report了,可以适当添加其他
相关要素 (30个词左右)
人气:225 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 15:18:30
2.this summer holiday,i have read Jane Eyre.it was written by Charlotte Bront.
the heroine of Jane Eyre is Jane.she is a poor girl.her parents died very early.she didn't have money and position.she lived with her aunt Reed.but her aunt saw her as encumbrance(累赘).she was sent to a so-called charity school.she tried her best to get away from that school which was like a hell.and she was chosen to be a tutor.and in that manor,she met her Mr right.they met a lot of difficulties,and at last they married.
why do i love this story?first,i think the heroine's spirit made me moved.second,i like the style of this story.
third,i think this story is like a cup of ice water which can make our minds pure.
when i finished this story,i found that maybe we need more pure and sincere.only if we forgot money and position,we can feel the spirit of human.
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