-人教版初二上的第七单元吧——How do you make a banana milk shake?
How To Make A Fruit Salad?
You need 2 apples,2 bananas, 1 orange and three teaspoons of salad to make it.
First,wash the apples and cut up them.Then, peel the bananas and orange and cut up them.
Next,put the fruie into a bowl. After that, pour three teaspoons of salad on the fruit.Then,mix them all up.Finally,eat the fruit salad.
我不知道沙拉是应该用put还是pour,但我觉得还是用pour好.如果你觉得应该用put,就把After that, pour three teaspoons of salad on the fruit改成After that, put three teaspoons of salad on the fruit.好了.