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求关于炫耀性消费的英文介绍 120字左右就好
以conspicuous consumption为主题进行简要介绍
因为这个不简单 好的话再加分
人气:228 ℃ 时间:2020-05-13 05:19:56
为你提供的下文,简要阐述了conspicuous consumption概念及炫耀性消费的目标.希望能帮得上你.
Conspicuous consumption
Conspicuous consumption is a term used to describe the lavish spending on goods and services acquired mainly for the purpose of displaying income or wealth.In the mind of a conspicuous consumer,such display serves as a means of attaining or maintaining social status.A very similar but more colloquial term is "keeping up with the Joneses".
Invidious consumption,a necessary corollary,is the term applied to consumption of goods and services for the deliberate purpose of inspiring envy in others.
One goal of conspicuous consumption was marriage into the upper classes.In fact marriages were often arranged between the respectable old rich and new rich in order to refinance members of the upper classes,who were frequently less than solvent.
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