> 英语 >
1 他承认反对过那项在公共场合不许吸烟的禁令 (admit)
2 听到被复旦大学录取的消息,他不禁喜极而泣 (be admitted into...)
3 地震中的伤员已被送往医院
4 他冒着被敌人抓住的危险帮助了那个受伤的女战士(risk doing...)
5 艺术节旨在提供一个让学生展示才华的机会(aim)
6 正是商店橱窗里的裙子引起了她的注意.(强调句)
7 你可以不复习就通过考试的想法是错误的(同位语从句)
人气:485 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 09:05:32
1. He admitted that he had been against the ban on no smoking in public places.
2. Knowing that he was admitted into Fudan University, he wept with joy.
3. The wounded in the earthquake have already been sent to the hospital.
4. He risked being caught by the enemy to help the injuried woman soldier.
5. The Art Festival aims at providing the students an opportunity to show their talents.
6. It was the dress in the shopwindowthat drew her attention.
7. The thought that you can pass the test without reviewing is wrong.
: )
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