以How to make a cup of tea为题,步骤1往茶壶里到一些热水,1.进行烫壶2.把水倒出来把茶叶放进去3.倒一些开水到茶叶上,然后盖紧盖子4.往带盖的茶壶上倒些热水,以保茶壶的温度5.红茶冲泡5分钟,绿茶冲泡3分钟6.把茶水倒进杯子里就可以喝了.
人气:366 ℃ 时间:2019-10-01 08:17:43
Firt,put some hot water into the teapot,and hot the teapot.Pour out the water,put the tea into the teapot.Next pour some hot water on the tea,then cover tightly.To pour some on the lid of the teapot h...
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