题目是目前很多发展中国家都在expand their tourism industry.请说明理由.并评论这个现象positive or not.
In contemporary age and society,many developing countries are //exploiting at a large spectrum of //用法有问题their tourism attractions//可以去掉spectrum那个错误的词组,在句尾加 to the full.There is/are a considerable number of tourism/tourist resources in some developing countries,such as sunshine and beaches in Malaysia.As more and more countries pay their attention on/to the tourism industry and actively expand it,tourism income //contributes a heavy/high percentage//搭配很别扭,take up.in...to their GNPs.This phenomenon is attribute/d to several reasons/整句写法别扭,可改为.is mainly attributed to the following reasons.
The most manifest and significant reason for the /tourist expansion is that the tourism affects /directly on/删 the economy/ies 注意单复数 of the countries /directly.With the/删 gradually/gradual这里需要的是形容词 perfection of global transporting/删ing conditions and the/删 constant construction of the /删 学会冠词的用法很重要 其实很难 主要靠长期阅读积累local infrastructure,massive//用这个词来形容人很好笑,不是多是巨大粗大的意思 foreign tourists travel abroad to enjoy their vacations.They stay in the/删 local hotels and consume commodities; thus,the local tourism revenue ascends/这个词没错,用的很怪,你见过有老外这样用过?收入增长用increase grow go up rise都可以 and the economy progress//?这个progress是动词还是名词?as well.The mechanism /plays exactly in the governments’ hands/完全没有这样的搭配用法.Besides,as is well-known,it needs numerous manual labors to fulfill its demand as the tourism industry is classified to/as介词搭配也很重要 the Third Industry/第三产业英文是tertiary industry ,which mainly offers services.This,to the governments’ satisfaction,alleviate the /high incidence of unemployment.Farther speaking,it helps stabilize the society.What’s more,most of the tourism projects are eco-friendly(that is precisely the reason why it is called green economy.) and low-cost.Therefore,for many developing countries which are afflicted with financial problems,the expanding/expansion is painless and productive.
However,everything should be controlled /in a limited boundary/还是搭配的问题.should be under strict control.Overly/这是个副词 over expansion results in disasters.In spite of the above-mentioned advantages,the undue exploit/exploitation and development has grave detrimental impact on the/删 environment.Some tourism spots are under poor administration.The misbehaver/misbehaviors of the tourists are not held out//你用这个词组想说什么?是stop之类的意思么?in time,which may lead to the deteriorate/这是个动词 of the/删 local ecosystem.For instance,there was once a horrible forest fire in the Great Mountain//这是哪里?in Northern China caused by a tourist who threw his lighting/lighted cigarette//to ./without putting it out/删,多余.The tragedy is well/还是搭配不对very/quite/highly likely to happen again if the/删 managers pay insufficient attention to necessary scrutiny//完全是胡乱的搭配,结果就是让稍有水平的读者读起来如鲠在喉别扭至极.More worryingly,some developing countries expand the natural resources at random instead of planning carefully ahead /of time according to the/删 environment condition.It is absolutely stupid and short-sighted.
In a/删 conclusion,therefore,the tourism industry benefits the less developed countries,but the authorities must make a long-term plan and get a clear perspective on the current situation so that they could expand/exploit the precious resources in harmony/harmonious ways.
作者现在最需要做的不是大量的写,而是多看英语原版杂志如economist,business weekly 等等,或者上网看英语国家的门户网站如yahoo.com等等,多多积累些语言素材先,杜甫 说读书破万卷,下笔如有神,用在雅思写作上也是同个道理.