认识一个外国留学生,交谈比较愉快,交换过号码,他第一次发短信称呼用的sweetie(吓得我一身鸡皮疙瘩),并且问我if can manange some time to go out?
(what's the meaning?what does he intend to do?我的立场是做个朋友还行,可以practise English)
some experienced one explain it to me and provide some suggestions,please please!
人气:286 ℃ 时间:2020-05-12 15:49:53
sweetie - just an expression
if can manange some time to go out - seems not a date, just go out for something together
suggestion - imply that you already have BF and he would be one of your best friends
nothing more, hope can be help :)imply:对外国人imply还挺考验语言分寸的,如果人家本无它意,他们不会觉得impolite吧,外国人本来就挺好交际的。。。when he asking you what a u doing? you got the chance, just say dating with your BF
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