she was only a girl five years old.
还是she was only a girl of five years old.
人气:383 ℃ 时间:2019-12-01 13:36:03
第一个表达是正确的,译为:5年前,她还只是一个小女孩.该句也可换为she was only a five-year-old girl.第二个为什么错了,第一个这种句型你可以再帮我造几个句吗?He was here only a few minutes ago.仅仅几分钟前他还在这里。She was the only person able to do it. 她是唯一能做那事的人。
- at that time she was only a five years old girl.
- she is only an 8 years old girl这句话说的对吗
- she is only a (fourteen years old )girl.()里的有错吗?
- was,little,she,a,girl,years,five,ago(.)连词成句
- sally ia an english girl.she is my english teacher,Mrs Brown’s daughter.she is only five years
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