This is a book【改为复数句】
Those are my brothers【改为单数句】
Is this your son 【作否定回答】
Where's my book【改为复数句】
They are on the sofa【改为单数句】
What's this in English?【改为复数句子】
Those are my friends 【改为单数句子】
Is Lucy your mother?【作否定回答】
This is my sister 【改为一般疑问句】
That is her sister 【改为复数句】
These are my friends 【改为单数句】
That's my father 【改为一般疑问句】
These are his grandparents 【改为一般疑问句】
This is her father and this is her mother【改为同义句】
Look,this is my f【 】photo.The girl in the photo is me.My n【 】is Rose Green
I a【 】a student.The b【 】is my brother H【 】name is John Green He is a s【 】 too
The man is my f【 】and the woman is my m【 】 And they're Peter's p【 】 too I l【 】my family
人气:480 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 17:15:09
These are books.That is my brother.No,he isn't.Where are my books?It on the sofa.What are these in English?That is my friend.No,she isn't.Is this you sister?These are her sisters.That is my friend.Is ...
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