Time to initiation of corrosion and subsequent corrosion rates of steel
reinforcement in plain and microsilica-blended concretes were determined
on prismatic 100 x 62.5 x 300 mm (4 • 2.5 x 12 in.) specimens containing
a 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) diameter bar embedded centrally.The length of the
uncoated portion of the bar was 275 mm (I1 in.).The coarse aggregate was
a maximum size of 19 mm (3/4 in.) of crushed limestone with a bulk specific
gravity 2.42 and an average absorption of 3.8%.The fine aggregate was
beach sand of specific gravity 2.70 and absorption 0.23%.A water/cement
(w/c) ratio of 0.50,cement content of 357 kg/m 3 (600 lbs/cu yd),and coarse
to fine aggregate ratio of 2.0 by weight was used for the plain and the
microsilica-blended cement concretes.The specimens were cured for 28 days
before exposure to the chloride solution.
人气:496 ℃ 时间:2020-01-26 07:07:21
时间钢腐蚀和随后的腐蚀速率的开始.在平原和硅微粉混纺混凝土加固进行了测定.的棱柱100 × 62.5 × 300毫米(4?2.5 × 12英寸)标本者.12.5毫米(1 / 2英吋)直径栏嵌入集中.的长度.酒吧的涂层部分是275毫米(I1的英寸).粗集料了.19毫米(3 / 4英寸)的最大大小粉碎石灰石的大量具体.重力2.42和3.8%的平均吸收.细集料了.比重0.23%,2.70和吸收海滩的沙子.水/水泥.(宽/ C)比值为0.50,水泥357千克/米3(600磅/立方码),和粗糙.以优良的比例为2.0总重量是用于平原和.硅微粉,复合水泥混凝土.该标本28天痊愈.前暴露于溶液.
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