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用英语写一封信 写信人:约翰 收信人:李明 写信时间:2007年12月21日 写信内容:
应父母要求,约翰将于12月21日乘飞机赶回瑞士过圣诞节,所以不能与李明及其家人共度圣诞了.他衷心感谢李明全家的热情款待和他在中国读书这段时间所给予的帮助.他非常喜欢在中国的生活以及学院自行车队的各项活动.希望李 明一家有机会去瑞士度暑假.如果去瑞士的话,就按以下方式John@hotmail.com与他取得联系.
人气:293 ℃ 时间:2020-04-03 02:17:50
Dear Li Ming,
I'm sorry to tell you that I can't celebrate the Christmas with you and your families, because I have just recieve my parents request that I should take a plane on December 12th and fly back to Switzerland to spend the Christmas with them.
I really appreciate for your families warmly welcome and your help during my study in China. I am fond of the life here, especially the activities held by the cycling group from our institute. I hope that all of your family can come to Switzerland for vacations one day. If you come, please connect me with John@hotmail.com. I will be very glad for your coming.
Best wishes!
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