> 英语 >
1 他在屋里看电影 已经多久了?
2 他在屋里看电影 已经有40 分钟了.
3 我的胡子已经刮干净了.
4 你的胡子没有刮干净,
5 我正在刮胡子呢 / 我刚刚刮过胡子
人气:358 ℃ 时间:2020-09-30 16:46:43
(1) How long has he watched the film in the house?
(2) He has seen the film for about forty minutes in the house
(3) I have shaved my beard cleanly
(4) You have not shaved your beard cleanly,please had your beard shaved afresh
(5) I am shaving my beard / moustache now / I had my moustache shaved just now 恩,谢谢帮忙,shave可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词,看到有直接写 I am shaving 的,也行吧。谢谢shave及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.(用剃刀)刮(胡须等); 为(某人)剃毛发 I shave every morning.我每天早上刮脸。He shaved his head bald.他把头发剃光了。及物动词 vt.1.刨(木头等); 削; 刮 I shaved a few millimetres from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.我把这门的底部薄薄地刨去几毫米使它能关严。2.〈口〉掠过, 擦过(某人或某物) The car just shaved the wall while it was cornering.汽车在拐弯时恰好擦过墙边。名词 n.1.剃, 刮 A sharp razor gives a close shave.剃刀锋利刮得就干净。不及物动词 vi.1.(少量地)削减,调低,降价恩。我觉得都是对的吧,刚刚查了下,新概念上口语,还有一些英语资料上,也有,I am shaving 不及物这样写的,及物和不及物,都是有的英语动词,绝对的及物动词,和绝对不及物动词,是很少的,大部分动词,都是即可做及物,也可以做不及物动词使用的希望明白,并采纳,谢谢!
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