Maybe you are not a person who makes friends easily.阅读短文.英语.
Maybe you are not a person who makes friends easily.You could be new to the school,the class,the team,the club or whatever.You stand there feeling like everyone is looking at you,or on the other hand you may feel as if you are invisible.Everyone else is in groups,and you feel really left out.What would you do?Here are some suggestions.
Hang around near a group that looks interesing.
Look for eye contact and smile.When someone looks at you,join the group.
Decide what you want say befor you talk.
Don't always talk about yourself.
Don't show off when you talk.
Look for others who are alone or seem shy and introduce yourself.Ask then about their interests.
Don't give up trying to make friends if you are not very lucky at first.Others may feel as shy you do or you may have to find a different group to get friendly with.Keep trying.
how many suggestions dose thewriter give?
A.5 B.6 C,7 D.8
What should you do first when you want to join a group?
A introuduce youself B Catch the eye of some and smile.
C Ask what they are talk about DAsk what they are interestend in.
What dose the passage tell us about?
A What a good friend is like B the feeling of being a new member.
C How to make friends.D How to speak in a group.
人气:188 ℃ 时间:2020-04-24 16:04:24
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