> 英语 >
请根据提示写一篇80词左右的英文短文.假如今天是9月16号,星期天,天气晴朗.你和朋友去城市附近的小河钓鱼,但你发现河水污染得非常严重,想就此事给报社和电台写封信.提示词:go fishing,dirty,throw rubbish,waste water,dead fish,float(漂),smell terrible.
人气:457 ℃ 时间:2019-08-16 18:43:39
Today is Sunday.I don't not need to go to school,so i went to the river to fish wih my friends.When we arrived to the river.We found that the river was very dirty .There were some rubbish
and dead fish floated on the river.At last ,we went to another river to fish because the smell of the river was too terrible.When i went home ,i wanted to wrote a letter to radio station to tell them the question of the river.
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