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Some people argue that one should choose more practical dream rather than challenging one because it is safer.However,as far as I am concern,challenging dreams can bring us more opportunities so they can help us to achieve success.
To begin with,people can be inspired by challenging dream.Once people have their challeging dream,nothing will be impossible because one’s potential is endless.For example,Bill Gates,one of the most successful man in the world,quit from his university and chose a challenging dream,to start a company.Although many people regarded him as a crazy man.After several years effort,Gates created his Microsoft Empire and became the richest man.If he just studied at school,which seem more practical,he would never achieve such success.
In addition,when facing challenging tasks,people always work harder.I believe pressure and challenge can bring out the best results.For instance,my uncle,who lived in a remote rural area,determined himself to become a people who live in city when he saw how attractive city was.He worker very hard and overcame every difficulties he faced with his challenging dream,living in city.Finally,he reached his goal and lived very well in city.If he never dreamed about such a challenging goal,he would just lived in remote area with limited sight.
Last but not least.Practical plan will impede our ability to create something.When people live a cozy life,they may feel satisfied and stop to search new things.After my brother gave up studying abroad and stayed at home country in order to get what seem practical.,the ambition he used to have was gone since he has adapted to his life.
In conclusion,Since practical plan will prevent people from making breakthrough,challenging plans become definitely beneficial to us because they can inspire our potential and stimulate us to work harder.
人气:189 ℃ 时间:2020-07-02 20:19:03
Dear,the most important thing of TOEFL is native.From yours,I can not find any native language.I can consider it is been translated by some kind of software.啊。。那可以得多少分?我这个作文是用了一定模板,关键是我不还是表达了自己观点啊?其实现阶段,给多少分不重要。关键是你的作文里,找不到让老外感觉地道的地方。你的意思表达的太过中国话,你要多研习英语的思维方式。可以负责的说:除非你在某些方面有突出的表现,比方说在化学上能够写出某位教授觉得非常优秀的地方,否则这种不地道的英文,老外是不会有兴趣看到最后的。好吧,毕竟我准备托福的时间不是很长,看来你是在美国已经上了大学了?哦。我是给你一些直截了当的诚挚的意见。功夫在与平常的积累,不是一天两天就能水到渠成的。我是芝加哥大学MBA,IT管理专业佩服,我7月23的托福94分,想813冲100的,你以前的托福SAT多少分?膜拜一下
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