英语中,with sth to do 与with sth to be done的区别.
例.with all books his daughter need ___,he refused her to go to school.
此句答案是bought,有一个选项是to be bought,是不是说把该项改为to be bought 就对了?那是不是说to be done这结构不存在呢?
错了,是改为to buy
人气:343 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 02:58:17
你的例句有点复杂:With all books his daugher need(是needed吧) bought,he refused her to go to school这里其实是With all books bought(bought是宾补)his daughter needed是定语从句意思是:所有他女儿需要的...也就是说不存在to be done喽?with结构中一般不用,还有不定式充当定语时一般不用,尤其在have sth to do结构中。但语言是没有绝对的,Do you have anything to be bought?你有什么(要我)买的东西吗?Do you have anything to buy?你有什么(你要)买的东西吗?自己感觉一下二者的不同。