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跪求英文摘抄5篇~每篇200词左右~最好是写景类的~请附上中文~(我一般都是看中文的好坏~) 请不要直接复制别人的答案在粘贴,质量一定要好~要不然我还是得自己再找一遍~请快一些,
人气:409 ℃ 时间:2020-04-23 09:49:43
A Path on My School Campus 校园小路 There was a path paved with cobblestones on the campus of my school.It led from my classroom to a lawn on the right side.At dawn or at dust,I would stroll along it,breathing in the fresh air of the dawn or tracing the footprint of the setting sun.Two rows of small willows lined the path.Raising my head,I could see the blue sky and white clouds which set off the tranquility of the path.Here and there wild flowers with a 4 simple elegant tint truck the eye.I would bend down and pluck one.Oh,the flower smelt so fresh and fragrant.Only at this time,could I find my spiritual sustenance.The stress from the heavy homework and tough question would immediately vanish.Oh,what a pleasant and charming place this was!校园内有一条卵石辅成的小路,一端连着教室,一端通向教室右边的那边草地.每天早晨或晚饭后,我总是要在上面走走,呼吸黎明的新鲜空气,追寻夕阳的足迹.小路两边,是两行小柳树.抬头望去,蓝天、白云、更烘托了小路的寂静.偶尔,几朵野花映入眼帘,花色淡淡的.于是我会蹲下身去采上一朵.啊!这花泛着清新淡雅的芬芳.此时此刻,我觉得只有在这儿才能得到精神上的寄托.沉重的作业带来的烦恼,攻克难题凝聚的思索,在这儿都会像烟云一样消散得一干二净.这是一个多么惬意的去处啊请问还有吗?5篇哦~感觉那段没有200字,我已经抄了10篇了,所以。。。看中文不错的,谢谢哈~亲,你上百度文库上搜吧,这篇其实也是我在文库上抄的,上面长的不多但也有,你自己挑挑把,可以把短的并上,我也就这点本事了,但上面确实不少,抱歉啦
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