The shy giel wants to see giraffes(对画线句子提问)
The shy giel wants to see giraffes(对画线句子提问)
------- ------- does the shy girl want to see。
人气:199 ℃ 时间:2020-09-15 20:05:31
划线部分是?如果划线部分是see giraffes,则问句应为:What does the shy giel want to do?如果划线部分是giraffes,则问句应为:What does the shy giel want to see?如果划线部分是The shy giel ,则问句应为:Who wa...The shy giel wants to see giraffes(对画线句子提问)------- ------- does the shy girl want to see。谔谔 ,,,还是不知道划线部分是什么啊
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