Mr Li is worrying about his old father 's health very much these days改为同义句
改为同义句 Mr Li has _____ _______ ______ ______ about his old father's health these days 2.Jim advised me not to eat snacks in class 改为同义句 Jim ______ me that I______eat snacks in class 3.Why is Mr Li so _____填个词w开头的 Because he can not find his dog
人气:233 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 22:18:06
been very much worried/anxious
suggested shouldn't/not
worriedbeen worried very much 你写反了 还是我写错了亲:修饰动词的时候,very much放在后面,例如:I like English very much.但修饰动词ed(形容词)时,要放在前面。例如:I am very much interested in math.不过多用very在这里。
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