> 英语 >
1 你跟着我学就行
2 我怎么说,你怎么说
4 我怎么跳舞,你也怎么跳舞
5 她深深打动了我 / 大家被她那件漂亮衣服深深吸引 6 不要胡思乱想
7 我怎么唱歌,你就怎么唱
8 我找不到她了,她都三天没回家了
9 他经常逃课出去玩
10 他没有穿上衣 // 他没有穿裤子
11 那个小男孩什么衣服都没穿,还到处乱跑。
人气:314 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 09:37:08
1.Just learn from me.
2.Speak after me / whatever I say,you say
3.Do what I do / whatever I do,you do
4.Dance how I dance / however I dance,you dance / dance like me
5.She touched me deeply / everyone was deeply attracted by her beautiful clothes.
6.Don't let your mind stray aimlessly,thanks.
7.Sing like I sing / however I sing,you sing / sing like me
8.She hasn't been home for three days,and I can't find her.
9.He often skips class to go out and play.
10.He didn't wear any upper garments / He didn't wear pants.
11.The little boy ran around without wearing anything.
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