谁帮我总结一下:on the wayin the way in this way等几个有关way的短语,谢谢
人气:102 ℃ 时间:2020-03-19 23:38:46
On the way 在路上 表示状态 比如 He is on the way to school 他正在去学校的路上
in the way 关于...方面 比如In the way of the school ,he is happy 在学校方面 他很高兴
in this way 用这种方法 You can work out the questions in this way 你能用这种方法算出这道题
- in the way,on the way,by the way,in this way,in a way的用法,要明细
- in the way,on the way,in a way,in this way的区别
- in the(this) way的不同 ,by(on) the way的不同
- in the way in this way on the way in a way的意思区别
- 怎么去理解,In the way,On the way,In this way,By the way,In a way,的用法,能扩展什么知识
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- They could not find any strange things when they came into the room.同义句转换
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- He has been in power ten years since he came to power.
- 一串数按规律排列如下:1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,5,4,5,6,5,6,7.从第一个数算起,前2009个数的和是多少?
- x的平方+nx+3与 x的平方-3x+m的乘积中不含x的平方和x的立方的项求m和n的值