1 tired,i,am,i,and,have,lot,of,a,headaches 2 must,try,eat,meat,less,to,you,
3 petty,is,healthy,my,grandma,she,exercies,day,because,
4 usually,she,starts,day,with,the,breakfast,
人气:338 ℃ 时间:2020-02-18 21:11:02
1.I am tired and I have a lot of headaches2.You must try to eat less meat.3.My grandma is healthy because she exercies everyday4.She usually starts the day with breakfast.
- 组词义,tired,I,am,I,and,have,lof,of,a,headaches///must,try,eat,meat,less,to,you
- tired,I,am,I,and,have,lot,of,a,headaches怎么连词成句
- I'm tired and I have a lot of headaches同义句
- I'm tired and have a lot of headaches为什么headach加es
- 填空 我感到很累,而且我头疼得很厉害.I'm very tired and I have ____ of headaches.
- 高中几道英语单选
- (be)there any water in the bottle?
- A、B两地相距12千米,早上8点甲从A地以6千米/时的速度出发到B地办事,8点10分乙从B地以比甲快2千米的速度骑车到A地玩,两人在途中第一次相遇;相遇后甲乙继续按原速前进,甲到B地后花20分钟办事后立即按原速返回,乙在相遇后因为掉链修车耽
- 一个圆锥的体积是12立方厘米,底面积是4平方厘米,高是( )厘米. A.3 B.6 C.9 D.12
- 矩形ABCD,E、F分别在BC、AD上,且EF垂直平分AC于O 求(1)四边形AECF为菱形(2)
- 已知不等式ax^2-3x+6>4 的解集为xb,则a+b=
- 求函数f(x)=【根号下sinx+lg(25-x平方)】/根【号下cosx】的定义域
- 已知多项式2ab^/m/-(m+2)ab+2是关于a,d的三次二项式,那么当a=1/2,b=5时,此多项式的值是多少
- 在三角形ABC中,角B=2角C,AH是BC的高,M是BC的中点,求证明AB=2HM
- 用对比手法写景的*片段*
- 红细胞放入水中会涨破还是皱缩?