helpful 乐于助人的
一个乐于助人的人总是帮助别人……没要你翻译例子......adjective, a word which describes a noun像这样的?多点原来楼主找的是英语形容词以及它的翻译啊……great:of a better quality than average.large: great in size.是这个意思么?如果可以有二十个就好了。另外告诉你,老夫名为陈浩民,降龙罗汉也。若回答出来,重重有赏!额……年纪大了么……大叔好~cute: attractive or pleasing in any way.brave: without fear of danger.active:energetic of lively; able to work etc.peaceful: quiet; calm; without worry or disturbance.dangerous: very unsafe and likely to be the cause of danger.samll: little in size, degree, importance etc.big: large in size.kind: ready or anxious to do good to others; friendly.nice: pleasant, agreeable.cold: low in temperature.respectful: having or showing respect.lovely: beautiful; attractive.sad: unhappy or causing unhappiness.clever: quick to learn and understand.smart: neat and well-dressed; fashionable; clever and quick in thought and action.old: advanced in age.able: having enough strength, knowledge etc to do somgthing.tired: wearied; exhausted. 加上前边3个,应该够了吧……