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求一篇英语开头是The battle was followed by a terrible storm.
人气:245 ℃ 时间:2020-04-21 04:42:46
The battle was followed by a terrible storm. Therefore, it wasn’t until October 26 that Vice. Admiral(海军中将)Collingwood was 36 to send off his report to Britain37 the victory and Nelson’s death.
He chose 38the task one of the smallest ships in his fleet. Pickle, 39 by Captain Lapenotiere. In spite of40 winds and rough seas. Pickle made the41 of more than 1, 000 miles in just over eight days, 42Falmouth on the morning of November 4.
From there. Captain Lapenotiere 43 a fast post chaise(轻便马车)to London, traveling44 for 37 hours. He reached the Admiralty in Whitehall at 1 a. m. on Wednesday, November 6-less than 11 days after he had45 Colingwood.
Most of the officials had gone to bed46 , but the secretary was still47in the famous Board Room. Lapenotiete hurried in and48 the report whit the simple words; “Sir, we have gained a great victory. But we have49 Lord Nelson.”
Copies of the report were quickly made and50 to the prime Minister and King Ceorge 111. A special edition of a 51 was rushed out and delivered all over the country.
The atmosphere of public52 for the victory was weakened by widespread sorrow the 53of Nelson. As one poet later wrote; “The victory of Trafalgat was 54 ,indeed, with the usual forms of rejoicing(欢庆), 55 they were without joy.”
36.A.eager B. anxiousC .able D.s ure
37.A.announcing B. telling C. mentioningD. warning
38.A.withB.fromC.for D. among
40.A.stongB.weak C.warm D.light
41.A.leaving forB.arriving atC.staying in D.sailing for
42.A.leaving forB.arriving at C.staying inD.sailingfor
45.A. seen B.found C.told D.left
46.A.long beforeB.long agoC.before longD long after
47.A.on leave B.on business C.at workD.at sea
48.A.took over B.handed overC.ave out D.turned out
49.A.defeatedB.beaten C.missed D.lost
50.A.sent B.carried C.suggestedD.written
51.A.bookB.newspaper C.weekly D.magarine
52.A.hope B.searchC.desire D.happiness
53.A.returnB.failureC.deaths D.injury
54.A.congratulatedB.celebrated C.gainedD.reported
55.A.andB.soC.for D.but
36—40CACDA41---45 CBBDD 46---50 ACBDA 51---55 BDCBD
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