> 英语 >
1) If it _______ (not rain) this afternoon,we ________ (go) shopping with our mother.
2) When the teacher came into the classroom,the students stopped ________ (talk).
3) I am sorry I forgot ________ (lock) the door when I left.
4) When the boys heard the strange noise,they stopped _______ (try) to find what _____ (happen).
5) A:________ you _______ (find) your wallet?
B:Yes,I ________ (find) it in the teachers’ office.
6) The children _______ (play) games this time yesterday,but I _____ (not know) what they ________ (do) now.
7) Our physics teacher explained to us that light _____ (travel) faster than sound.
8) The foreign friends ________ (go) to visit the Yangpu Bridge already.They ________ (be) back in three hours.
9) Tom _______ (watch) DVD when I ________ (go) to visit him last night.
10) Will you please _______ the box and put it on the top of the shelf?(rise,raise)
11) The rain sounded ________.(heavier,heavily)
12) I have been to Tokyo ________.(some times,sometimes)
13) He promised to come over and visit me _______next week.( sometime ,some time)
14) Can you _______ it in English?(say,speak)
15) ___________ the letter on your way to school.(remember to post,remember posting)
16) Columbus ________ America in 1492.(discovered,found out)
17) These English songs _________ very wonderful.(sound,voice)
1) 我从来都没有读过你说的那本书.(定语从句)
2) 在我到达北京后,参观的第一个地方是长城.(定语从句)
3) 我昨天买的那块手表走得很好.(定语从句)
4) 我不知道这次演讲该从何开始.(宾语从句)
5) 什么引起这两个国家的争吵尚不为人知.(主语从句)
人气:391 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 12:48:53
1doesn't rain willgo2taking3to lock4to tryhappened5Didfind found6was playing don't knoware doing7travels8have gonewill be9was watching went10raise11heavily 12some times13...
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