> 英语 >
要答案也要解释What_the population of China?One—third of the population_workers here.

What he'd like_a digital watch.
What he'd like_textbooks
A;are;are     B;is;is      C;is;are

—Two months_quite a long time
—Yes.I am afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons
A;is       B;are       C;was

He is one of the boys who_here on time.He is the only one of the boys who_here on time
A;has come;have come   B;have come;has come   C;has come;has come

Either you or he_interested in playing chess._you or he fond of music at present?
A;are;Are      B;is;Are    Care;Is

A knife and a fork_on the table.A bnife and fork_on the table
A;is;is    B;are ;are    C;are;is

Her family_much larger than mine four years ago.Her family_dancing and singing when i came in last night
A;were;was    B;was;were    C;was;was

Now Tom together with his classnates_football on the playground
A;play    B;are playing   C;is playing

Eneryone here,including children and old people,_in for sports.
A;go      B;going     C;goes

Dad,the phone is ringing.I guess either you or Mom_on the phone.
A;is wanted    B;are wanted    C;wants
人气:463 ℃ 时间:2020-03-23 14:44:50
1 D.is ,are2 A (表示时间,距离,重量等作主语谓语动词要用单数)3 B ( 第一空的先行词是STUDENTS,第二空的先行词是THE ONLY ONE )4 B ( 就近原则)5 C ( 第一空是两样东西; 第二空是一样东西)6 A ( 第一空FAI...
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