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Proxemics and Personal Space
Among the mechanisms that are used to regulate privacy are the two closely linked concepts of proxemics and personal space.Proxem- ics,a term formulated by anthropologist Edward Hall,is concerned with the “interrelated observations and theories of man’s use of space as a specialized elaboration of lture.”’~Derived in part from the studies of animal behavior regarding territoriality,proxemics deals primarily with the ways that people space themselves in different social situations.In his book The Hidden Dimension,Hall describes four culturally defined distances used by Americans.Each distance has a close and far
Two terms are of note regarding personal space and small group ecology.Humphry Osmond,in evaluating psychiatric ward design,originated the terms sociofugal and sociopetal.The first term sociofu- gal refers to those aspects of design which tend to discourage social contact,and the second term sociopetal “is that quality which encour- ages,fosters,and even enforces the development of stable interpersonal relationships such as are found in face-to-face groups.”29 Furniture layout is a manifestation of these concepts.An extreme example would be two lounge chairs,first placed face to face and then back to back.The first would definitely encourage social interaction (sociopetal) while the second would discourage it (sociofugal).There are of course no positive or negative connotations inherent in these terms.In some situations- study areas for instance-sociofugal arrangements would support the normal quest for solitude.In other circumstances,benefit would be derived from social intercourse encouraged by sociopetal design.
Problems can arise when sociopetal arrangements of furniture are placed in areas where privacy is sought and/or intended.Conversely sociofugal layouts would be inappropriate and counterproductive in settings where conversation and interaction is intended.
One study indicated that arrangement of furniture in a one-to-one counseling situation can have a measurable effect upon the anxiety level of those being counseled.There was a significant reduction in anxiety where students were interviewed in an informal “knee-to-knee” ar- rangement as opposed to a more formal “across-the-desk”one.
This is applicable to library environments as personal interviews and other counseling functions are conducted in the daily business of administering libraries.Further,this type of information would be applicable in the design of spaces and furniture intended for all interac- tion with the public.Reference interviews,learners advisory services,online searches,and other one-to-one situations could be more effective and productive if patron anxiety were reduced through more appropri- ate furniture arrangement.
人气:416 ℃ 时间:2020-06-18 01:21:34
在被用来管制机制隐私是两个紧密地联系在一起的空间关系的概念和私人空间.Proxem——集成电路,这个办法,由人类学家爱德华大厅,关心的是“相关的理论和观察人的利用空间作为一个专业的细心的c lture.' ' ' 部分起源于动物行为的研究,关于属地的,主要是处理与空间关系的办法空间自己在不同的社会状况.在他的著作《隐藏的尺寸、大厅描述使用四个文化定义距离美国人.各设一个亲密而远
两个术语注意对于个人空间和小组的生态环境.Humphry奥斯蒙德,在评估精神病科守卫的设计是sociofugal和sociopetal条款.第一项sociofu -加指的是那些)的设计理念中趋于阻碍社会联系,第二学期sociopetal”,是指品质,培养encour岁,甚至执行发展稳定的人际关系,如被发现在面对面的团体.”29家具布置这些概念的显现.一个极端的例子将会是2长椅面对面,首先放置,然后才回来.第一个一定会鼓励社会相互作用),而sociopetal第二劝止(sociofugal).当然没有正面或负面的含意隐藏在这些条款.在一些情况下,研究区安排instance-sociofugal正常会支持寻求孤独.在其他情况下,利益仅仅是社会交际鼓励来自sociopetal设计.
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