1.He’s a early bird in our family.
A.起早的人 B.早晨的鸡C.刚出生的鸡D.早起的鸟
2.Come on!Don‘t be chicken.
3.He drinks like a fish.
A.像鱼一样喝酒B.喝酒时吃鱼 C.醉的像条鱼D.喝酒厉害
4.He has ants in his pants.
5.What kind of monkey business is going on while I am away?
A.怪事 B.像猴子一样忙 C.仓促的声生意D.买卖猴子的生意
6.We know little.We can’t speak to the wind.
7.We are the fish out of the water.
8.The little boy runs and runs until he is blue in the face.
9.It‘s time to study now and stop horsing around.
A.像马一样 B.胡闹 C.被马包围 D.骑马转圈
二、Reading comprehension.Answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,
One weekend,a wife and her husband go to a shop in Toronto(多伦多).After they get back home,they can’t find their camera.They think the camera is in the shop.After a few weeks,they go to the shop again and the boss(老板) of the shop gives their camera back to them.小精灵网站
人气:170 ℃ 时间:2020-05-29 19:20:10
1、a 2、c 3、d 4、b 5、a 6、b 7、a 8、b 9、b
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