> 英语 >
1.We were so deeply moved that we couldn't fall asleep that night.
--We were ____ moved that _____ ____fall asleep that night.
2.He has mastered English so well that he can translate English novels.
--He has mastered English well___ ___ ____ translate English novels.
3.The government finds that it is necessary to limit the number of private cars.
--The govenment finds ____necessary ____ ____the number of parivate cars.
4.I wish I could go to your birthady party.
--I wish ______ ______to your birthady party.
5.It is said that Wang Lin is studying abroad now.
--Wang Lin is said ____ _____ _____abroad now.
人气:216 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 22:32:34
--We were __so__ moved that __we__ _ couldn't _fall asleep that night.
He has mastered English well__so_ _he__ __can__ translate English novels
The govenment finds __it__necessary __to__ __limit__the number of parivate cars.
I wish ___to___ ___go___to your birthady party
Wang Lin is said __that__she__studies __abroad now
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