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Bowie himself would recall of the time,“I never ever thought my songs would help anybody think or know anything.Yet it did seem that at that time there were an awful lot of people who were feeling a similar way.They were starting to feel alienated from society,especially the breakdown of the family as we’d known it in the forties,fifties and especially the sixties,when it really started crumbling.Then,in the seventies,people in my age group felt disinclined to be a part of society.It was really hard to convince oneself that you were a part of society.[The feeling was] here we are,without our families,totally out of our heads,and we don’t know where on earth we are.That was the feeling of the early seventies—nobody knew where they were.”
人气:438 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 07:40:24
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