其中之一为我们提出的FSTP SynRM驱动系统,利用测得的定子电流和所计算的电流差,来预测未来的定子电流.基于电流差检测方法达到MFPCC.
One of them is the FSTP SynRM Drive system we proposed. Taking the current difference between the measured stator current and that was calculated, we can predict the upcoming stator current, and based on this current differential detection method, we can achieve the MFPCC methodology.
MFPCC : Multiple Frequency Phase Combination Codes (?)其中之一为我们的FSTP SynRM驱动系统,利用测得的定子电流和所计算的电流差,来预测未来的定子电流。亦提出MFPCC达到基于电流差检测方法。MFPCC:model-free predictive current controlThanks for deciphering.不好意思,我之前要翻译的打错哩,应该是...拜托再翻一次其中之一为我们的FSTP SynRM驱动系统,利用测得的定子电流和所计算的电流差,来预测未来的定子电流。亦提出MFPCC达到基于电流差检测方法。其中之一为我们的FSTP SynRM驱动系统,利用测得的定子电流和所计算的电流差,来预测未来的定子电流。亦提出MFPCC达到基于电流差检测方法。One of them is the FSTP SynRM Drive system we proposed. Taking the current difference between the measured stator current and that was calculated, we can predict the upcoming stator current, and based on this current differential detection method, we also propose that the MFPCC(model-free predictive current control) can be used to determine the current difference of the system.