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以“ways to keep fit”为题写一篇80字左右的英语作文,急.等下就交了.
要求~~~1、保持健康和减肥的区别,健康最重要2、现存在的盲目减肥做法危害身体(举例说明) 3 最有用的保持苗条的方法(至少两点)
人气:298 ℃ 时间:2019-08-22 09:26:59
Lots of people think dieting is the best way to lose weight,but little do they know,dieting,is actually the worst way to lose weight.Dieting can be hazard to unhealthy eating,which may eventually lead to pancreasic diseases and other diseased.Keeping a fit and losing weight does have a lot in common,but they are not the same.Losing weight is mainly to get rid of the fat,however,keeping fit is how to maintain a heathland body.The best way of keeping fit would be to aviod siting down for too long,and also exercising on a daily bases.But the first thing to being fit,is to have a healthy body.
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