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帮我翻译也可以:尽管很多人说有钱不能买来健康 幸福 快乐等等 那我不禁要问难道没钱或者钱不多的人一定会拥有它么?在我认为人活着就是一个不断追求物质和精神的过程,钱只不过是一个介质.在这世界,任何东西都不可能是万能 更何况是钱呢?只是在不同阶段和时期 它被代替成了知识,能力,才能等等,钱更多的时候是起催化剂的作用.也许,当你富有的时候你会认为钱是粪土,但这世上穷人总是比富人多.
人气:265 ℃ 时间:2019-09-17 09:29:32
Although many people said that rich people cannot buy health and happiness,I can't stop by thinking if the poor people owns these.I consider that living is a process of continuous materialized and spiritual pursuit,money is only a media.Everything is not omnipotence in the world,rather that money.Only that in different stage and period,it is used to replace knowledge,ability,skills,etc.Most of the time money has an effect of activator.Maybe,when you are rich,you will consider money is shit,but there are much more poor people than rich people in this world.
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