> 英语 >
31. The sore throat made it hard to _______________ even such a small pill.(2 分)
A. devour B. eat C. swallow D. overwhelm
32. Praise is particularly appreciated by those doing _______________ jobs,waitresses and housewives,for instances.(2 分)
A. creative B. original C. temporary D. routine
33. She now easily forgets things.This might be a _______________ of brain disease.(2 分)
A. symptom B. signature C. symbol D. synthesis
34. Color television sets and telephones,a necessity in city homes,were considered a _______________ in China 30 eyras ago.(2
A. hardware B. encyclopedia C. device D. luxury
35. Her father became worried when she started _______________ blood.(2 分)
A. shedding B. spitting C. splitting D. sliding
36. As soon s he landed on the _____________landing mat,and with the crowd on its feet,Michael immediately began preparing for his next attempt at flight.(2 分)
A. inflated B. increased C. expanded D. swollen
37. The drowning swimmer is now safely in the ____________ of a lifeguard.(2 分)
A. seizure B. grip C. grasp D. clasp
38. When the ex-president was in office,he served the public with ____________ and integrity,heart and souls.(2 分)
A. dedication B. permission C. preparation D. occasion
39. The art exhibition was _____________by the Society of Culture.(2 分)
A. promoted B. sponsored C. advanced D. cooperated
40. Young children often feel a lot of _____________ about their first day at school.(2 分)
A. anxiety B. vanity C. intensity D. celebrity
人气:206 ℃ 时间:2020-05-13 22:54:26
首先说明一下我已经在国外读了3年书了,觉得英文水平还可以.这10道题基本上都是考你词汇量,你要是认识这些词,应该就都能做出来.31.B (这道题我在B和C之间犹豫,不过觉得B从整句话意思上还说更好一点)32.D (服务员(wait...
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