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假定你是Amy 今年刚进入高中学习 你在美国的笔友Tom来信询问你在校的学习生活情况 按要求给他一封回信
1新学校很漂亮 老师很有善 也交了朋友 但有时候会寂寞
2高中学科多 压力大
3每天下午5点到六点有许多活动 有时打篮球
人气:252 ℃ 时间:2020-03-23 11:00:59
Dear Tom:
Thanks for yourleater,Our compus is very beautiful,the teachers are very to us. Since we started high school, students have felt the great pressure of studies. Every afternoon 5 points to six points, there are many activities sometimes play basketball.有点短…可以扩写吗?加进一些其他的,如自己的爱好,询问对方的话语,关心对方的话语等。比如:I I have been playing basketball for 5 years of history, technology is also good,In the school basketball team, is a leading figure。I heard you basketball is good, have the opportunity to Chinese, we think about it! What's your hobby to sing or movement, the other?Your parents are good? Give them my greetings!哦哦不用客气,希望能帮到你!
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