这应该是 Expectancy Theory 期望理论.我知道意思,我是希望把上面的短语,重新改写一下。谢谢Men always expect to satisfy certain needs and receive desired reward. This kind of expectation always motivates men's actions. 不知道这改写了做什么用。。。- -(好奇……)我也论文,之前那句是原句。。必须改写。。以下中文是引用的,略作了修改,英文是翻译的。O(∩_∩)O期望理论,又称作“效价-手段-期望理论”,北美著名心理学家和行为科学家维克托·弗鲁姆于1964年提出来的激励理论。 Expectancy Theory, also known as "Valence - Instrumentality - Expectancy", was advanced by famous North American psychologist and ethologist Victor Vroom in 1964. 期望理论的基础是:人之所以能够从事某项工作并达成目标,取决于个人对于其执行任务和接受期望回报的能力的心理预期。 The premise of Expectancy Theory: Motivated by mental expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired reward, men can fulfill certain tasks and achieve certain goals.