the supreme court cleared the way for the deal after delaying the sale pending review of case brought by indiana state pension funds .
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the sale pending review of case brought by indiana state pension funds .这句什麽意思?尤其sale pending review of case ,正常用法吗?
delivery dropped 是什麽意思?us crude for 中的for 有什麽用?
人气:253 ℃ 时间:2020-06-21 08:22:55
高等法院在因审理印第安纳州养老金组织提交的案件而延迟了交易后,终于为该交易亮了绿灯.delaying the sale:延迟交易.pending review of ...:这是介宾词组作状语.pending是介词,意思是“在...期间”,“直到...为止...
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