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They are to help others.
人气:300 ℃ 时间:2020-01-19 20:49:56
不一样的:They are wanted to help others可译为:要求他们帮助别人They are willing to help others可译为:他们乐意帮助别人.They are wanted to help others在语法上并没有什么错误,但有异于大众化.如果是选择题...能帮我找找相应的证明wanted 没错例句及语法点么?Facts alone are wanted in life.渴望的事实仅仅是存在于生活中。Jack , you are wanted on the phone.杰克,有你的电话A lot of English teachers are wanted in our school.我校需要大量的英语教师。You are wanted immediately in the director's office.主任让你马上到他的办公室去。Your suggestions are wanted on how to make this website more helpful! ! ! Thanks so much! !澄清一下,整个网站,包括论坛都要改版,老师请留下您的意见?我们将非常感谢!. They are all gentle and sleepy, but are wanted to keep moving slightly…光不强,影儿不重,风微微地吹,都是温柔,什么都有点睡意,可又要轻轻地活动着。The light is dim, the shadows faint, and the breeze blows gently. They are all gentle and sleepy, but are wanted to keep moving slightly…光不强,影儿不重,风微微地吹,都是温柔,什么都有点睡意,可又要轻轻地活动着。
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