> 英语 >
The federal rules aimed at protecting human subjects of medical experiments were established to ensure that patients must be warned of potential risks and an independent panel would evaluate the experiment before it was conducted.
(A) must be warned of potential risks and an independent panel would
(B) must be warned of potential risks and that an independent panel
(C) are warned about potential risks and that an independent panel
(D) will be warned about potential risks and an independent panel would
(●) would be warned of potential risks and that an independent panel would
不是说must 是强烈语气,原文有,答案中就有,为什么这题不行? 的确,E中,and 前后更对称;可是语气改变了啊.would be 感觉没must be 强;请教高手!
The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million, which is part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer in the office color-printing market.
(A) million, which is part of a deal that will make
(B) million, a part of a deal that makes
(C) million, part of a deal making
(D) million as a part of a deal to make
(●) million as part of a deal that will make
Like the thorny ballooning of a frightened pufferfish or the sudden appearance of angry sapphire hoops for which the blue-ringed octopus is named, so the California newt's display of its red underbelly is a clear warning that predators ignore at their peril.
(A) so the California newt's display of its red underbelly is a clear warning that predators ignore at their peril
(B) so it is at their peril that predators ignore the California newt's display of its red underbelly, a clear warning
(C) the California newt's displaying its red underbelly is a clear warning for predators, so they ignore it at their peril
(●) the California newt's display of its red underbelly is a clear warning that predators ignore at their peril
(E) it is at their peril that predators ignore the California newt's display of its red underbelly, a clear warning
别的句子里没so that 的含义啊;新东方不是说so that 的含义如果句子有,答案就有,如果A中没有,答案不一定有么?我是看到so that 后就直接在AB里选,看 B 错的离谱,就选A.答案给的是D.请教高手
人气:407 ℃ 时间:2020-04-16 16:43:25
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